I have a class which does an XML load, and receives a response that's roughly 10k. We use this class in several different instances. We're tracing the server, and the response is sent about one second after receiving the request. Then we see a roughly 15 second delay before the onHTTPStatus function is invoked. On the Mac, the spinning rainbow cursor appears, and in one instance, this delay is enough to cause the "infinite loop" dialog box to be invoked:

        "A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash
        Player 9 to run slowly.  If it continues to run,
        your computer may become unresponsive."

If I hit NO, the response seems to be immediately received and everything continues correctly. This dialog box never appears on Windows. On Mac, it appears in the one instance only, and both in Safari and Firefox.

Two things puzzle me about this:

1. What would cause the dialog box to appear? Between the ".load" and receiving the httpStatus response, shouldn't Flash just be sleeping/polling, or does it actually loop while checking for the response?
2. Where could the delay be? The server seems to have completed sending, the send is only about 10k, and there shouldn't be much processing needed between receiving data and the "onHTTPStatus" handler being invoked, should there?

private var xReceive:           XML;

private function host_status( httpStatus:Number ):Void { trace ("httpStatus="+httpStatus); };
private function host_data( sSrc:String ):Void {
        trace("======== Source received:");
        ...             // other processing

this.xReceive.onHTTPStatus = Delegate.create(this, this.host_status);
this.xReceive.onData = Delegate.create(this, this.host_data);

this.xReceive.load( <url> );

------------- output:
                                <15 second delay!!>
======== Source received:

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