I am using the datagrid for the first time and would like to make one of the columns enable text to word wrap if the text is too long for the width of the cell.

Here is what I have so far which works but is only giving me a single line of text in the cell

   dg.setSize(340, 300);
   dg.columns = ["No", "AssessmentCriteria", "MarkRange", "Mark"];
   dg.columns[0].width = 40;
   dg.columns[1].width = 120;
   dg.columns[2].width = 80;
   dg.columns[3].width = 40;

// -----------------------------------------------
// Rename column headings with readable names
// ----------------------------------------------

dg.getColumnAt(0).headerText = "No.";
dg.getColumnAt(1).headerText = "Assessment Criteria";
dg.getColumnAt(2).headerText = "Mark Range";

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