I would suggest WebServices as a technology that will be applicable to lots of applications. Axis from Apache has a lot of tools, documentation and links to other documentation.


Dave Watts wrote:
Should I pursue .Net knowledge or ???

You should pursue whatever you think would be most useful for you. .NET,
Java, PHP, ColdFusion - they're basically all the same. They all let you do
the same sorts of things; the differences are largely matters of syntax and
popularity. ColdFusion is arguably the "best fit" for Flash development,
since it provides Flash Remoting and LiveCycle Data Services (formerly Flex
Data Services), but is not as widely used as the other three I mentioned. On
the other hand, .NET, Java and even ColdFusion are more popular in
enterprise environments than PHP is, for what that's worth.

Fortunately, if you learn one of these, again, they all work the same way,
so it's easy to go from one to the other - my knowledge of CF helped me
learn what I needed for .NET and Java, for example.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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