
You may have problems forcing one timeline without a sound on to sync with another.

Here is a suggested workaround for the separate scenes problem:

Save multiple copies of your original animation - one copy for each scene.

   Open up the first animation and delete all scenes except for #1
Repeat this for each file - deleting the corresponding scene.

You will then need to publish these and load each SWF's into your movie - this will need a bit of coding to start the next movie playing after one finishes, so I don't know how up you are for this.

The main problem here is sync'ing each animation to the sound track - most of the time, animations are on the timeline with the sound they are animated to and the Sound is set to "Stream" Sync type. This may not help you here, but having the sound on the same timeline is possibly the only way to force sync - see this document:

http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14108&sliceId=2 <http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14108&sliceId=2>

You may find that the only way to ensure Sync is to put the audio in with the animations - either put each "scene" onto one big timeline, which is a pain for preloading, or cut up the sound for each scene and put the separate files into each movie. The latter may be easier to manage and you can always preload the files that follow the first one.



Pedro Kostelec wrote:
I allways knew that scenes wheren't the best choice, but the animation lasts
about 10 minutes, which would be really complicated to do in anly one scene.
Yes, hans it is really loadMovie the one that i should use. I don't know
where did i mix this with attachMovie. It worked, but it is not really in
syncronisation. How ca i fix that?


2007/12/20, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
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