Trying again.  The last message came through as blank.  I'll try plain text:

I'm trying to build a custom display object in CS3 using AS2. I thought I'd use the TextArea component instead of TextFields that I usually use to take advantage of the css support, etc.

For each cell in my display I instantiate a custom component using attachMovie. The component contains two instances of TextArea called "ta_1" and "ta_2". I thought I'd be able to access ta_1.text and ta_2.text directly, since ta_1 and ta_2 should be instances of TextArea, but they are not. When I trace them out they are MovieClips. They have one property that I can find using "for in" called "label", which is not an instance of TextArea either, but which has all of the properties listed below, including "text". However, when I try to set the value of text, I don't see any result. What am I missing here? Thanks!

label.styleSheet = undefined
label.mouseWheelEnabled = true
label.condenseWhite = false
label.restrict = null
label.textHeight = 17
label.textWidth = 0
label.bottomScroll = 1
label.length = 0
label.selectable = true
label.multiline = false
label.password = false
label.wordWrap = false
label.background = false
label.border = false
label.html = false
label.embedFonts = false
label.maxChars = null
label.maxhscroll = 0
label.hscroll = 0
label.variable = null
label.htmlText =
label.type = input
label.text =
label.autoSize = none
label.tabIndex = undefined
label.textColor = 0
label.backgroundColor = 16777215
label.borderColor = 0
label.maxscroll = 1
label.scroll = 1
label.getFocusManager = [type Function]
label.onKillFocus = [type Function]
label.onSetFocus = [type Function]
label.setFocus = [type Function]
label.changeTextStyleInChildren = [type Function
label.setStyle = [type Function]
label.adjustFocusRect = [type Function]
label.drawFocus = [type Function]
label.getPreferredHeight = [type Function]
label.getPreferredWidth = [type Function]
label._getTextFormat = [type Function]
label.value =
label.getValue = [type Function]
label.setValue = [type Function]
label.__getTextFormat = [type Function]
label.getStyle = [type Function]
label.setColor = [type Function]
label.draw = [type Function]
label.invalidateStyle = [type Function]
label.setSize = [type Function]
label.move = [type Function]
label.enabled = undefined
label.visible = true
label.bottom = NaN
label.right = NaN
label.y = 0 = 0
label.x = 0
label.left = 0
label.height = 44
label.width = 100
label.filters =
label.sharpness = 0
label.thickness = 0
label.antiAliasType = normal
label.gridFitType = pixel
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