Hello everyone, searched archives and went through the flash help IDE but I
am still a bit stuck with a cross domain issue.

2 flash files and 1 html page, the HTML page is on a different server/domain
than the SWFs.

both flash files need to have access to JS on the page [calls and return].

It works fine when I have all 3 files on the same server [for testing, but
this is not the final location in production...]

I have tried [in param and embed of object:]
allowScriptAccess = "always"

And I also tried making a crossdomain.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <allow-access-from domain="development.servernameA.com" />
  <allow-access-from domain="development.servernameB.com" />

I placed the crossdomain.xml file in both servers where the files are hosted
(/test/) and then I pointed the flash files [first frame of code] to the
cross domain file:


Maybe I am missing something very simple...? But at the moment I am stuck
and not all too sure what else I need to change to allow these two swf files
to send/receive javascript to the hosting HTML page...

any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!

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