There are probably a hundred other ways to do this, but an easy one
(off the top of my head) would be to make your holder variable a
custom element that extends sprite, but has it's own variables, like:

class HolderClass extends Sprite
      private var _myParam:String
      public function HolderClass()
          super() ;
      public function get myParam():String { return _myParam ; }
      public function set myParam(value:String):void { _myParam = value; }

Then the code you list would be.....

var holder:HolderClass = new HolderClass() ; = "theName";
holder.myParam= "theParam" ;
holder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, myEvent);

private function myEvent(e:MouseEvent) {
     dispatchEvent(new DropDownEvent (SELECTED,,

As I said above, there are probably a ton of ways to do this better,
but this might have the least impact on your existing code.


On Jan 31, 2008 4:01 PM, Helmut Granda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a little bit of issue wrapping my head about this easy task.  I
> think my brain is fried.
> I have created a dropdown component... now when the user selects an element
> from the dropdown i can listen for the MOUSE_UP and call a method, that
> method dispatches a custom event.
> Now I am assigning the name of each one of the elements of the drop down so
> that I can pass that along to the method that dispatches the custom event,
> but I also want to add an extra parameter but I dont seem to be able to
> figure out how since I am creating all the elements at the same time that
> adding the MOUSE_UP listeners...
> something like
> var holder:Sprite = new Sprite;
> = "theName";
> ...morecode
> holder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, myEvent);
> private function myEvent(e:MouseEvent) {
> trace(;
> // How about being able to pass an extra parameter?
> //From here I am able to dispatch a custom event like so:
> dispatchEvent(new DropDownEvent (SELECTED,;
> //but I need to pass an extra item like so
> dispatchEvent(new DropDownEvent (SELECTED,, secondParam));
> }
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