Im not familiar with jmagic but how about php? having the image resize the
first time its hit and making a duplicate, then after that you can use
either the original or the resized image.

On 2/1/08, [p e r c e p t i c o n] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Experts,
> I'm loading an arbitray number of jpgs that are pretty hefty in
> size...roughly 650X400 or in other words between 15 and 40k.
> I'm wondering if there's a way i can make them smaller other than using
> jmagick or something similar before-hand...meaning before i load them into
> my swf...currently i'm scaling them after i load them, but i'd like to be
> able to do something more effecient...
> cheers and
> thanks
> p
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