Hi Muzak,

I can't really say that that post shed much light on this subject. I really didn't understand it.

In any case, I tried adding the onMouse events described in the article to _root but it didn't seem to solve anything. As it stands, I'm using the hack described in my last post:

...by putting a selectable TF called "defaultSelection" off to the side of the screen at _root and the using Selection.setFocus(_root.defaultSelection) in my onRelease event

I would however be very interesting in any further explication of the focusManager.


Muzak wrote:
Try this:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Sinning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flash Coders" <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 8:31 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] non-selectable TextFields are catching onPress,stumped

I've created some buttons that sit beneath some TextFields. They're not Flash buttons, but rather just clips with onPress/Release/... functions assigned to them. The TFs aren't selectable. The button choice require 2 clicks -- the first click is to select an answer, the second is to "confirm" the answer. Here's my trouble:

When the cursor moves over the button it changes to the hand-cursor and the _1ST_ click fires off onPress and onRelease.

After the first click, if the mouse stays in exactly the same position, ALL clicks are ignored. Also, when the mouse is down the cursor becomes the arrow-cursor.

If after the first click the mouse is moved at lease one pixel, then onPress and onRelease behave as they should.

It's like the first click is telling the TFs to catch any clicks at that same location. How can I prevent this?


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