Turn cacheAsBitmap on!

Kenneth Kawamoto

Alistair Colling wrote:
Hiya, I think the title sums this up pretty well.
I have dynamically created a box that is filled with a gradient where one of the colour's alphas is 100 and the other is 0, I have made the ratios 0, 255 and have made sure the matrix box is the same dimensions and xy placement as the box I am drawing. I want to set the dynamically created gradient box as a mask so I can have a nice gradient mask though when I set this I get the mask as if the box is a solid fill. I have checked without using setMask() and the box looks as it should.

If anyone has successfully drawn a gradient fill and used it as a mask I would be really interested to see the code as I can't figure out why this isn't working.

Thanks in advance for any advice, suggestions or encouragement,

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