This is just one guy's opinion, but I do the majority of my flash work for a
business segment that requires 508 compliant.  So the amount of salt you
take with this is up to you.

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Zárate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been wondering for quite a while about 2 small things that might
> improve a lot accessibility in Flash:
> a) Read-only access to OS accesbility settings.

This *might* be useful -- but really only the "Use High Contrast" option
would contain information that Flash could utilize -- and I'm not entirely
sure that would be the best way to get that information.

b) Text should default to OS settings

This sounds like a bad idea. Due to the highly graphic nature of flash
design, you don't want the OS to automagically override your layout. Flash
isn't HTML and comparing it to HTML is not a fair comparison.

You're not building "pages" in Flash, but applications. As such, it's the
job of your application to respond to the user's needs either by honoring
their preferences set within your application (saved to cookie, login
details from database, etc) or from detecting their current settings by some
other means (I'm thinking specifically of JavaScript here).

That means building layouts that can accept different sized text, different
color text -- generally being adaptive. The MovieClip, TextField, etc.
classes don't come with that kind of thing built in. The only way we could
have functionality you indicate in flash is within a framework -- like some
future version of Flex.

Being automatically accessible means using standard controls with standard
behavior so that when the user's preferences are different, the control
already knows how to respond. But the second you try to do something out of
the ordinary, accessibility is all up to you to implement. This isn't really
all that different from desktop development, except with Flash, it's almost
all custom, graphic work.

How often do you really use the components day-to-day?

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