I'm finding that when I use "forceSmoothing" in a moviecliploader, it
doesnt seem to work. It turns it OFF just fine, but never turns it
back on afterwards. Just fyi, I already tried placing the
forceSmoothing = true in the onLoadInit and onLoadComplete's, just to
see if they'd work from there, but it never seemed to get turned back
on. See code below, can someone else see what I'm doing wrong? I know
setTimeout's aren't entirely reliable...

and yes this is still AS2... (le sigh....)



//Portfolio loader
myPMCL.onLoadStart = function(targetMC) {
        //targetMC.forceSmoothing = false;
        targetMC._alpha = 0;
        trace("STARTING LOAD OF: " + targetMC);
        _root.loadermain_mc._visible = true;
        _root.loadermain_mc.bar_mc._xscale = 0;
myPMCL.onLoadProgress = function(targetMC, loadedBytes, totalBytes) {
        _root.loadermain_mc.bar_mc._xscale = (loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100;
myPMCL.onLoadComplete = function(targetMC) {
        _root.loadermain_mc._visible = false;
myPMCL.onLoadInit = function(targetMC) {
        targetMC._rotation = 0;
myPMCL.onLoadError = function(targetMC, errorCode) {

function smoothingOn(mc){
        trace("TURNING SMOOTHING BACK ON FOR: "+mc);
        mc._parent.forceSmoothing = true;
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