Hi guys
I need some guidance from you. I almost reach the final stage of my project.
My scenario is I have multiple instances of UILoaders on the main stage. The
user can drag and drop those UILoaders wherever he wants on the main stage.
The user can put one on top to replace them too.I am successful in
implementing till now.I used AS 3.0. Finally i have to create a new
application using somehow the same code in which if user places UILoader on
top of already existing UILoader, the new UILoader does not get replaced but
moved/ gets away to give place to the placed video on the main stage. in
other words :- Let's say 4 UILoaders are placed in 2x2 matrix position on
the main stage and if you place 5th UILoader in center (on top) of all the 4
loaders, then all the 4 UIloaders will animate to bounce outwards to give
space to 5th UILoader. I used hitTestObject and hitTestPoint in my project
but I am not sure which way to go in this case. How would animation work in
this case and which is the best approach to tackle this kind of situation.
Anybody has any idea how would i do that?
Your help and guidance will be highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot
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