What is nameTF? I don't see it declared in your class. If you are using "Automatically declare stage instances", turn it off. Adobe put it in there specifically for newbies to code, it's not meant for proper developers to use.

Keep in mind you need to declare your stage instances as public vars.

You cannot make the constructor of a class a static function.

Setting card name has no effect on the value of the text field in your code. I recommend using a more generic naming convention anyway.

   import flash.display.*;
   import flash.text.*;

   public class DataCard extends MovieClip
      public var TXT_Name:TextField;

       public function DataCard()
       public function set label(value:String):void
           TXT_Name.text = value;

Omar Fouad wrote:
I have a MovieClip in my project that I put in the library. This MovieClip
is used in the application lots of times and I "attach" it on the stage on
run time when required like

var DC:DataCard = new DataCard();
DC.x = Math.random()*550;
DC.y = Math.random()*400;

In the Identifier Dialogue Box I set the Class name to DataCard and I am
trying to associate it to a Class file DataCard.as
This MovieClip has a text field for example, and it is named "nameTF".
I want to be able to control the components of the DataCard MovieClip from
the Class Itself, in this case to change the text in the nameTF TextField.

So in the Class I worte:

package {
 import flash.display.MovieClip

 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 import flash.text.*;

 public class DataCard extends MovieClip {

  var cardName:String;

  static public function DataCard():void {
   nameTF.text = cardName;
  public function set cardName(Name:String):void {
   cardName = Name;

It shows me many errors and it does not work.

when I tried:

public class DataCard extends MovieClip {

  public function CardName(CN:String):void {
   nameTF.text = CN;

and in the FLA:

 var DC:DataCard = new DataCard();

DC.CardName("here is the name");

DC.x = Math.random()*550;
DC.y = Math.random()*400;
DC.name = "dataCard";

this worked. But how can I use a Constructor, setters and getters in this
case? Also how can I set the name of the MovieClip like I would do in the
FLA DC.name = "DCName"; in the class itself?

Thanks for the Help.

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