Do you mean that you need to login through HTACCESS? (the browser dialog box) or through an ASP file?

If its HTACCESS then, with AIR, you can get past it in AIR. Tell me which one is of use and i'll try to help.



On Mar 26, 2008, at 11:41 PM, Helmut Granda wrote:

       I have an application that was created for the browser
(Flash+ASP)and runs under a secure server (https) and everything works
great. Now there is an attenpt to move the application to stand alone with AIR but it seems like because it is under a secure server I am having issues
accessing the server.

       Basically this is what happens:

       Flash -> ask to ASP for stuff
       ASP -> give back Flash STUFF
       FLASH -> Display the stuff ASP Provided

Using AIR as a wrapper Im not sure how still being able to hit the server without having the user to log in. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the user has to login throuh the browser so do I need to create a page for
the user to login before deploying my application?

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