
i have a quick query about embedded fonts.

I thought that when you used them in the movie, that you should call them by the Class name in the linkage identifier however when I try to do this, my text disappears (i have embedFonts set to true and I've triple checked the names), however when i use the font's original name, export, close the fonts and then open the swf, everything works as it should.

Was I originally wrong or is there something screwy going on with this?


original font: Helvetica 75 Bold
Linkage class name: Helvetica75Bold
Name used as .font property: "Helvetica75Bold" // causes text to disappear Name used as .font property: "Helvetica 75 Bold" // causes text to reappear

original font: Helvetica with B selected
Linkage class name: HelveticaBold
Name used as .font property: "HelveticaBold" // causes text to disappear
Name used as .font property: "Helvetica" // causes text to reappear

hope you can help because this doesn't seem right to me.

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