Hi People.

I am having trouble with opening popups from Flash,
I am using getURL to call a javascript-function that should open a popup.

it worked before, and it works in Firefox, but it doesnt work in IE7 when
trying it locally, but it will work in IE7 if run from a server.

It is an older projekt, published in Flash 6,
if I make it to Flash 8 and use ExternalInterface to call the javascript -
then it do work,
but not when running it as it is - Flash 6 with getURL - the
javascript-function will not
be reached.

How can this be solved - without digging through an old application and turn
it to flash 8 and
going that way?


Martin Klasson
Flash Developer
Parkgatan 9-11
S-411 24 Göteborg
Office +46 (0) 31 711 54 50
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