
One thing, though. The documentation states that you absolutely must remove ALL references inside the swf, including timers, enter frame listeners, stop playback of sounds, etc., basically do a complete cleanup, before you can even remove a loaded swf. The issue that Grant brings up is that even if you do all that, it STILL does not release the memory.

dave matthews wrote:
hi All,
Our app is designed to load Flash content examples and widgets from outside servers - anyone on the web can enter a URL.swf into the demo list and those .swf's are loaded as visitors view different areas of the site. Many of the examples we've experimented with setup processes that do NOT let go when the responsible .swf is deleted and/or unloaded from the child container holding it. What's more - even deleting the container does not stop background calculations and sounds from continuing to execute in the player. This is a huge departure from how Flash was! One of the nice features of Flash was the ability to unload content on the fly and know it was out of the player. Is there a reason for this new behavior or just a serious bug - overlooked when the Flash9 player was developed?Dave Matthewshttp://www.2GoTo.com
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