
Thanks for that - I think the HQX file was something similar - it was a compressed archive, but not sure if you could WinZip, I also vaguely remembering some articles saying that you had to be careful doing this because it was not guaranteed to work, but I am not 100% on this.

By the look of it Macs < OSX could autorun if you had autoplay facilities - requires QuickTime 2.0, but they disabled any autorunning with OSX, a bit dumb from some perspectives, but for the paranoid / security conscious, it's probably a good thing...


Jimbo wrote:
Don't know how it applies to auto-run on Mac from a cd, but I was told some 
time ago that the best delivery method of projectors to a mac user was to 
win-zip the app folder and contents - Mac  can natively un-zip and run zipped 
files. Might be something to try.
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On 4/25/2008 at 2:42 PM Glen Pike wrote:


  Slightly OT question, but someone may have an answer.

I have made a Mac projector using Flash CS3 - so have a "projector.app" folder.

  This shows up like a windows exe icon if I look at the folder on a Mac.

The question is, I am trying to make an ISO image using CDEverywhere, following some old Hybrid CD instructions that will autorun the Mac projector.

CD Everywhere lets me specify a file to autorun for the Mac, but won't let me choose the app folder, so I just typed "projector" in the box in the hope it may work:
   if(true == Mact.itJustWorks()) {

Not sure if this will work as I don't have access to a Mac at the moment, does anyone have any tips?



Glen Pike
01326 218440
www.glenpike.co.uk <http://www.glenpike.co.uk>

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Glen Pike
01326 218440
www.glenpike.co.uk <http://www.glenpike.co.uk>

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