maybe this helps you:


On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Patrick Jakub Jankun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I got another newb Question, I got an class (written with help of a
> friend)
> That Loads an .swf by simply calling a new instance of that class and
> giving
> The filename (URL), from there it goes all alone, with progress tracing
> and
> so on.
> Now I runned into a problem, as the Loader class can load only data of 3
> types, TEXT / VARIABLES / BINARY, how in the world, am I suppose to load
> an
> mp3 or an font with it?
> My Brain tells me this:
>  var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
>  myLoader.DataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY
>  myLoader.load(new URLRequest("foo.mp3"));
>  myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteLoader);
>  private function onCompleteLoader(event:Event):void {
>        trace("Data loaded");
>        var myMP3 =;
>  }
> So Every data other then Text or Variables should be threated as Binary,
> and
> Then assigned to a corresponding var of given datatype. Is this thinking
> right or am I missunderstanding the concept of URLLoader?
> The second thing is, how can I get a list of things loaded from an .swf by
> names? Like to have an nice Trace of Objects contained in that Library!
> Thank's
> Patrick
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