Hiya, thanks for checking this. I have a custom class that I am using as kind of button. The thing is I now want to remove the onPress and onRelease methods as there is a nested movieclip I want to attach these events to.

What I would like to know is can I remove or nullify the methods of a superclass from the subclass?

Any help very much appreciated, an outline of my code is below.

Thanks :)


                // superclass
class Classes.AnswerBut extends MovieClip{      

                function AnswerBut(){
                        trace("AnswerBut created");

                public function onPress(){
                        //actions here

                public function onRelease(){
                        //actions here

class Classes.NoAnswerBut extends Classes.AnswerBut{    

                function NoAnswerBut(){
                        trace("NoAnswerBut created");

// I want to remove the onPress / onRelease events in the class definition here
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