I'm working on a small game that uses a bunch of buttons that perform similar actions. In the main class for the game I've set up a listener object ("gameButtonListener") to detect all the button clicks and call the appropriate game functions, which are also defined in the main class.

Here's a simplified version of the relevant code. (Broadcasting the "buttonReleased" message is handled in the button's class.)

var gameBroadcaster:Object;
var gameButtonListener:Object;


this.gameButtonListener.buttonReleased = function(b:MovieClip) {

private function doButtonClick(b:MovieClip):Void {
  trace('button clicked!');
  // do some other stuff with b's properties

The code above doesn't work, of course, because doButtonClick() is not a method of the gameButtonListener object. right?

How should I be specifying the scope of the doButtonClick() function in the anonymous function defined for the listener? Although "_root" and "_level0" would work in a standalone situation I know they're not good ideas (and the latter would break when the game's loaded into another level), and "_parent" doesn't work with Objects the way it does with MovieClips.

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