In AS3, there is no exclude.xml. Whether this was an oversight or, for some reason, not possible, you cannot do this in AS3. You can, however, use the Bridge pattern.

In a nutshell, you:

1. Make an Interface for the class you want to share between swfs (the implementation), but only want to be compiled in one.

2. Make a class to Bridge the gap that contains a static getter that returns the Interface, but really returns the Implementation. You could also just make it a public static var if you really want. I used an internal namespace because I don't want developers overwriting the implementation.

3. Set the Implementation in your primary swf to make it available to all the other swfs.

4. Import the Bridge class in your other swfs and now you can access the implementation.

Here is a trivial example that would work.

   import IClass;

   public class Bridge
       public static var api:IClass;

import Bridge;



AFAIK, this is easiest way to overcome the lack of exclude.xml in AS3. There are other ways, but they are complicated and difficult.

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