Hey guys,

Before I saw these response posts, I took a slightly different angle on
things. When I create my limbs, I am actually adding another limb to a joint
sprite on the end of the main limb. That way it simply moves with the upper
limb, and can still rotate freely on its own, using some rotational rules.
It avoids a bunch of math and allows the nesting to simply take care of some
of it.

When I tried points and localToGlobal, it still gave me weird results,
making me take the route above.

Thanks for the responses, it's why this list is the best in the world.

- e.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Jon Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Jun 18, 2008, at 1:27 PM, eric e. dolecki wrote:
>  While rotating, I want to place another MC's x,y (each frame) on that
>> rotating MC. However the x,y never updates. I tried localToGlobal, but
>> that
>> doesn't seem to change either during the rotation. Can this be easily
>> done?
> Give something like this a shot. Note that this is completely untested
> because I wrote it right here ... this is the general idea though.
> var m:Matrix = mainMC.transform.matrix;
> var pt:Point = new Point( mainMC.theChild.x, mainMC.theChild.y);
> var position:Point = m.transformPoint(pt);
> // You might need to add in the tx,ty offsets
> var matchMoveClipX:Number = position.x + m.tx;
> var matchMoveClipY:Number = position.y + m.ty;
> That assumes, of course, that you're applying your transformations using
> matrices.
> If you use dot notation on the properties (rotate, scale, x y), I'm not
> 100% certain that those properties are updated in the transformation matrix
> of the object.
> good luck.
> jon
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