Here's the function I use (it uses getDefinitionByName & Class because it
lets me get bitmaps in externally loaded swfs as well):

  public static function getBitmapAsset(assetName:String):Bitmap {
   try {
    var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(assetName) as Class;
    var data:BitmapData = new ClassReference(0, 0);
   } catch (error:Error) {
    trace("AssetManager:: attempted to instantiate class (Bitmap) that was
not found (asset misnamed or does not exist in loaded libraries ",
assetName, error.toString());
   var instance:Bitmap = new Bitmap(data);
   return instance;

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Ali Drongo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello there, thanks for checking my post. I have a bunch of jpgs that I've
> imported into my library and have given class names, they default to extend
> the BitmapData class. When I try and instantiate them I get an error message
> saying I need to pass them 2 arguments. Here is my code:
> var formatImg = new LibImage();
> var image:Bitmap = new Bitmap(formatImg);
> mainMC.addChild(image);
> Could someone let me know the correct syntax for doing this?
> As I am using a document class I think I may need to use the
> [Embed(source='myPhoto.png')] syntax also
> Thanks!
> Ali
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