> Its been a while since I have done one, but don't blur filters require
> some parameters?  I didn't think you could do a generic one as you did -
> new BlurFilter() and not say how much it blurs, what the opacity is,
> etc.

No, the default parameters are used when none are supplied. However, the
poster did say this:

>The MC is a section container that has many other children MCs.
>They are loading JPGs, streaming video, and many other stuff.

If you apply a filter to an MC and then load content into it, it will wipe
out the filter. This may not apply in your situation, if the loading is
different, children only, etc., but it's likely.

To test this, disable the loading and see if the filter is applied. If the
movie clip ONLY loads, and therefore has no content to show if the filter is
working, this is almost certainly the cause. You can try it on another movie
clip to see.

The solution is to apply/reapply the filter after the loading is complete.
You may see an interruption of the visible effect during load, however.


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