hi all,
i just published an article called "Charges Against ActionScript 3.0" covering the things people don't like about ActionScript 3.0.

it's posted on O'Reilly's InsideRIA, here:

The article discusses the following issues:

    1. The removal of on()/onClipEvent() from Flash CS3 makes creating
simple interactivity hard.
    2. Getting rid of loaded .swf files is hard.
    3. Casting DisplayObject.parent makes controlling parent movie clips
    4. The removal of getURL() makes linking hard.
    5. The removal of loadMovie() makes loading .swf files and images hard.
    6. ActionScript 3.0's additional errors make coding cumbersome.
    7. Referring to library symbols dynamically is unintuitive.
    8. Adding custom functionality to manually created text fields, to
all movie clips, or to all buttons is cumbersome.
    9. The removal of duplicateMovieClip() makes cloning a MovieClip
instance (really) hard.

if you have comments, please leave them on the article so i can respond if necessary.

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