I got the impression from the AS2 documentation that one *should* set an initial value for a variable in the class body, as long as the initial value could be defined at compile time.


However, I've seen many folks leave the value undefined by not assigning anything in the class body, like your example below.

What's the real deal? Is there a reason it's better (or worse) to favor one practice over the other?


jonathan howe wrote:
Hi, SJM,

Hypothesis: Don't know if this is different for AS3 (couldn't find the
appropriate documentation in a quick search) but I got into the habit of
avoiding assigning values for declared variables in the class body unless
they are static variables. My recommendation would be declare variables like
your arrays in the class body:

public var containerX:Number;

And then initialize them in your mainClass() function

containerX = (stage.stageWidth / 5);

Otherwise you may get unpredictable results based on what's in memory at the

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