Just one qiuick thing.
the only way to update the test player in Flash that I found is installing
latest Flash update. It helped in my case. Replacing files in Flash's
players directory doesn't affect the test player.


2008/7/21, peter ginsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This isn't precisely related to AS3, but it's definitely something in my
> code in particular causing this issue.  I'm working on an application (a
> game) that contains some pretty complicated AS3 code.  It's a CS3 project,
> with a main .fla file and several sub .flas with their own classes.  I
> don't
> think the details are too important to my question, at least not right now.
> Here's what happened:
> -Publish the FLA into a SWF, open swf in standalone player or browser --
> works fine, good frame rate, etc.
> -Built the FLA using "Test Movie", the swf is extremely slow to load, frame
> rate is terrible, and the application eventually crashes and brings flash
> CS3 down with it.
> I tried another system I had CS3 installed on and got a similar effect,
> only
> this time the game wouldn't even start.  It would choke on one of the
> loaded
> swfs.  On this system as well, hitting publish resulted in a perfectly
> swell
> working swf.
> I've noticed some differences in the past, but this is pretty over the top.
> My best theory so far is that this is a version problem.  On the first
> computer (winXP), I noticed the version of Flash Player installed as a
> standalone and browser plugin was 9,0,124,0 BUT the version in CS3 Test
> Movie was  On the second computer (Vista64), also 9,0,124,0 in
> the
> browser, but the version CS3 Test Movie was
> Operating on this theory, I grabbed the debug players from:
> http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html then removed flash
> player using the uninstall utility.  I installed the new debug players
> (including copying from the Debug folder of the download into my
> \Adobe\Adobe Flash CS3\Players folder.  Rebooted.  I tried this process
> several times, but:
> trace(flash.system.Capabilities.version);
> Continues to report "WIN 9,0,115,0" as the version when I test movie.
> So, my questions:
> 1. How do I really update the player flash CS3 uses with test movie?
> 2. Is there anything else different about the player used in test movie
> that
> I should be considering when figuring out the problem here?
> 3. Assuming I have done something in my code that caused a bug which was
> fixed between flash player microversions, does anyone have any ideas where
> to start looking to pinpoint exactly what the root cause is?
> Apologies for the length of my question, I'm trying to anticipate what
> people will want to know.  Thanks in advance.
> _peter
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