Nitpicking, but just as anything digital the SWF opcodes essentially
are 1s and 0s, too. :)

Anyway, the new VM supports JIT compilation to native machine code. I
must admit I don't know if /all/ code gets JIT compiled or only
hotspots, and I don't know if it will be recompiled for each use to
"hardcode" variables, but that would also have implications.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:21 PM, Kerry Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Juan Pablo Califano wrote:
>> If you mean decompiling the push method itself, you can't because it's not
>> actioscript but a native code, implemented directly in the player.
> Nice work, Juan Pablo.
> The code you have been posting prompts me to comment on the underlying
> mechanism of Flash. I know, from experience, that a lot of Flash coders (and
> Director, and Java) don't understand about bytecode vs. native code.
> If you're writing in a true compiled language like C++, your code will
> compile to machine language specific to your CPU. Machine code is 1's and
> 0's, the on/off switches that are the basis of any binary computer.
> Flash is cross-platform, though. It has to work on Intel processors,
> PowerPC, and others. It has to work on different OS's like Windows, Mac, and
> Unix. The machine code is different for every processor, and the
> implementation is specific to an OS. So, the Flash compiler can't compile to
> machine code.
> Instead, Macromedia, and now Adobe, have written a player for each of the
> supported platforms. The player is in machine code (ones and zeros), but our
> ActionScript code is not. ActionScript compiles to an intermediate bytecode,
> or token. The player reads these tokens, and executes the appropriate
> machine code.
> That's what makes Flash slower than C++, and also more secure--it's much
> more difficult to write malicious code if you don't have direct access to
> the machine, but have to go through an interpreter.
> This idea has been around for 25 years or so. The first implementation I
> used was UCSC Pascal, which, like Flash, compiled down to an intermediate
> token which was, in turn interpreted and executed by the player (we called
> it a "virtual machine" back then). It has only been in the last 10 years or
> so that machines have gotten fast enough to run this sort of code
> satisfactorily.
> If you understand this, you can find the bottlenecks in your code more
> easily, and optimize it. Loops are often the main culprit, as they have to
> interpret the bytecode each time through the loop. Also, if you're working
> with something with a fixed length like an array or XML nodes (really the
> same thing), it's faster if you store the length of the array in a register
> variable. An illustration:
> var arrLen:int;
> arrLen = myArray.length();
> for (var i:int; i < arrLen; i++)
> works faster than
> for (var i:int; i < myArray.length(); i++)
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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