
Thanks for your prompt and detailed response. I will be definitely use the info 
you sent me about the stub projector and the autorun instructions.

I am glad that people have had some success using this technology.

Some one was asking about fscommand.

I am using it to disallow scaling and to disable the menus,

It works but I am using actionscript 2.0. in CS3.

I did have some weird effects where the fscommands for
disabling scaling and disabling the menu were turning each other off.

I had to put the commands on separate frames of a movie clip and run one of 
them twice to get it to work.

Has any body done any kind of I/O error checking when using DVDs?

Is there some kind of try catch thing to put the program in a Known state if 
the users DVD fails to load fast enough?

I have some slide shows with a lot of photos that I am loading as swfs.

If the DVD is slow the user can click through to the next photo before the last 
one has been viewed.

At first I thought I could rely on the onLoad complete event.
However, it appears as though flash thinks the swf is "loaded"
instantly because it exists on the directory of the DVD.

However, it is not in the cache so it is slow to respond.

I ended up putting a little function call on every frame of the loaded swf. 
This function tells the projector that the frame has been loaded and enables 
the next picture button.

It seems really brute force but it is the only thing I could think of.

Thanks Again for your detailed reply.


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