Hi guys, ive written some code to load FLVs into flash and then play them. The 
problem is that the skin does not seam to be working!

Here is teh code to load teh FLV....

private function loadFLV (filename:String):void
   connect = new NetConnection(); // builds new net connextion flash media
   connect.connect(null); // Stop it from conecting to flash server   
   stream = new NetStream(connect); // attaches the stream service to 
   flashVideo = new Video(); // Create new video object   
   this.addChild(flashVideo); // Adds new video child     
   flashVideo.attachNetStream(stream); // attach connection to video
   stream.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, handleError); // Error 
info listener
   stream.bufferTime = 1;
   stream.client = this;
   flashVideo.visible = false;
   stream.play(myvideo.flv"); // start downloading
  public function onMetaData(infoObject:Object):void
   if(infoObject.duration != null)
    trace("our video is "+infoObject.duration+" seconds long");
   if(infoObject.height != null && infoObject.width != null)
    trace("our video is "+infoObject.height+"x"+infoObject.width+" pixels");
    flashVideo.height = infoObject.height;
    flashVideo.width = infoObject.width;
    flashVideo.x = (stage.stageWidth - flashVideo.width) * 0.5;
    flashVideo.y = (475 - flashVideo.height) * 0.5;   
    flashVideo.visible = true;

Ive tried adding...     flashVideo.skin = "skin/FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf"; 
but i get this error... 1119: Access of possibly undefined property skin 
through a reference with static type flash.media:Video.

Ive tried adding...     stream.skin = "skin/FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf"; 
but i get this error... 1119: Access of possibly undefined property skin 
through a reference with static type flash.net:NetStream.

Can anyone tell mw how to easily apply the skin?

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