Hi Michael,
I agree embedding fonts in Flash is a pain.
I don't think you can define a range of characters in an exported font symbol in the Flash IDE.
(as stated in www.betriebsraum.de).
developer.yahoo.com describes the flex approach.
You might try the following:
Define 2 dynamic text field off stage (one for each font) and define the character range there.
These characters should now be available to all text fields in the .swf
*Should* work, but with Flash and font you never know :(

Op 18-aug-2008, om 10:49 heeft Michael William Ypes het volgende geschreven:

Something that should be sooo easy always seems to be a real struggle in flash. I had finally worked out how to do it in as2 and now all the parameters have changed again in as3.

I have read various articles on the subject and get most of it. I have one swf with two font symbols exported in the library and used registerfonts. These are now available in my other swf that is loading them, however I want it to be multi lingual and therefore have different font libraries.

The bit I am falling down on is defining the character sets. Now if I had a texfield then I would just choose the character sets but I cannot see how to do that with a font symbol.

Any help, different approach, links much appreciated, I hate flash and fonts - nothing but a pain!!

Links I have already seen:

http://www.betriebsraum.de/blog/2007/06/22/runtime-font-loading- with-as3-flash-cs3-not-flex/


Please note that this is for the flash IDE and not flex.



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