If you can't add a cross-domain file in the target server, there's not much
you can do from the swf side.

You can, however, use some server side logic to make a "bridge" between your
swf and the JSP page. You can have the swf connect to some server-side
script (hosted locally or in some server where you can add a crossdomain
policy file) that will actually connect to the target JSP and return the

I've done this in php and in .NET, and I'm sure you can do it with a JSP, if
that's what you have available in your server.

In php, it could be as easy as:

$jsp_return = file_get_contents("
echo $jsp_return;

If you have fopen wrappers enabled in you php config (if you don't,
file_get_contents will fail when it finds http:// in the begining of the
file name) .

If you need more control and you're using php, you can use the cUrl

Hope it helps.

Juan Pablo Califano

2008/8/18, sebastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Question in Flash 7, AS2:
> Trying to figure out if there is any solution to how to send data to a JSP
> page that is not located on the same server as my SWF file.
> Since I don't have access to the server hosting the JSP page I can't add a
> cross-domain XML file to that machine.
> In the SWF file I can access the JSP page fine if I run the SWF file
> locally, but as soon as I put it on a test web server I get 'connection
> failed' instead.
> At the top of the SWF file I have included:
> System.security.allowDomain("http://name.ofJSPdomain.com<http://name.ofjspdomain.com/>
> ");
> System.security.allowInsecureDomain("http://name.ofJSPdomain.com<http://name.ofjspdomain.com/>
> ");
> and I also tried it with "*" instead to no avail.
> I'm using code like this:
> var send_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
> send_lv.loginName = "somename";
> send_lv.loginPassword = "somepassword";
> var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
> result_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
>  if (success) {
>  result_ta.text = "load working?";
>  } else {
>  result_ta.text = "Error connecting to server.";
>  }
> };
> send_lv.sendAndLoad("http://name,ofJSPdomain/locationtofile/nameoffile.jsp";,
> result_lv, "POST");
> I'm using sendAndLoad but honestly I only need to send data, not receive
> it.
> Can anyone help? I've been stuck now for over 2 hours spinning after my
> tail...
> :(
> Thanks!
> Seb.
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