I working on a project where you take 2 different product combine them and make 1. I'm using amfphp 1.9 and flash AS3. I'm able to bring 1 product in fine but the part I'm having troubles with is loading in the second one. For AS2 I used var pc:PendingCall = svc.getDepartment(); pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "getDepartment_Result", "onError" );

               var pc:PendingCall = svc.getArtDepartment();
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "getArtDepartment_Result", "onError" ); Which worked well. The part I'm wondering is how to approach this with AS 3. Can I take getProducts_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData); rename it to getArtProducts_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendArtData); and then add another responder, refresh, and functions for sendData and onResult? If I understand correctly, onResult is what populating the datagrid. I tried to add another product_dg.dataProvider = RecordSetDP.toDataProvider(result); in the onResult but I'm not sure how(if possible) you would send a value to add an if statement to the sendData function.to determine which connection.call to run. Does anyone know of a solution or how to search for a solution for this? I tried a couple of searches but only come up with a single item example. Thanks for you time
public function Main() {
           getProducts_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData);
           responder = new Responder(onResult, onFault);
           refresh = new Responder(refreshData, onFault);
           connection = new NetConnection;
       public function sendData(e:MouseEvent):void {
           connection.call("DepartmentService.getProduct", responder);
private function onResult(result:Object):void {
           product_dg.dataProvider = RecordSetDP.toDataProvider(result);
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