In my experience different browsers makes an impact on the memory impact as well; processors speeds seem to affect things more than ram in my experience.

Loading times may be affected by large amounts of data, while it is certainly interesting to wonder what the maximums are, another approach would be to avoid the issue entirely by breaking the program into smaller chunks and only load what is actually required. Since a human would NEVER read more than 1 or 2 pages at a time...

Assuming you have 10 classes and each one has 10 lessons and each lesson has 10 pages, you could detect what class the person was in [sharedobject] and pre-load that one [first time visitors get class1, lesson1, page1 preloaded], but only the lesson they are in and then only the pages that apply. then, as I read pages, you can always have it loading the next page in the back ground so that when i click [next] it loads instantly [at which point it loads in another page ahead of me secretly]... thus it will seem like everything is always loaded to a suer... only if I deviate from a linear lesson path would I have to wait for any load times; and then only for the 1st page as the other pages would again look-&-load-ahead of me.

this example was quite complex because it has a lot of computer-side logic to reduce user-side waiting time. you can obviously just go for 'standard' pre-loaders and just load pages/sections as required and then show a progress bar [people love to wait!]. assuming the wait times are not substantial, this is generally acceptable.

hope this [not exactly what you were asking for] feedback is of use to you!


I am currently in the midst of developing a large e-learning program. The program includes many large files of graphics and animations (mostly by bitmaps) that are loaded when required. To minimize waiting time, once these assets are loaded into designated sprites or movieclips they are either shown or hidden by (visible=true/false), i.e., if the user goes to the same part of the e-learning program, the asset use (asset.visible=true). My question: is there a practical limit on Flash 9 system memory where the program starts to perform sluggishly. And is such limit would be based on the RAM or cache size. Thank you, Daniel Abramovich

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