We are getting closer ;-)

The code you provided worked for me too. 
When I compare my code to yours I notice that I am using the $_POST array
while you are using the PHP input stream. The other major difference is the
fact that I am POSTing using via an URLVariables instance.

When I change both in my code then everything indeed works fine.

The only problem now is that in the production code I have to send several
ByteArray objects to the server in one go. And I have to process them
separately in the PHP script. Hence I thought the obvious thing would be to
assign the various vars to an URLVariables object and send that as the
URLRequest data. On the PHP side I wanted then to access those vars again as
members of the $_POST array and gzinflate the compressed vars there for
further processing.

Can you think of any solution that would make this possible?

The only thing which comes to my mind at the moment is parsing the php input
string by hand but I still would expect that the $_POST array should just
work too, after all it seems it contains the correct compressed string. But
when I feed that string to the gzinflate function I get an empty string in
return and when I feed it the exact same string hardcoded then it returns
the correct uncompressed string... I must be missing something obvious ;-)

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