On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 09:45:56AM +0200, Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> You're talking about AS2?

Talking about SWF8:

> See here for the answer:
> http://www.peterjoel.com/blog/?archive=2004_01_01_archive.xml

Thank you for the pointer, but reading that article doesn't
help me much. For example, I don't understand if the resulting
SWF from that syntax is expected to contain EXPORT tags or not.

My problem with the dmplayer.swf above is that it ends up 
looking for symbols like 'video_frame':

 ERROR: No export symbol video_frame found in movie dmplayer.swf. 

Which do NOT appear in any EXPORT tag.

> This way you can attach classes that don't have a library symbol but
> extend MovieClip.

You mean it is possible to add entries to the 'symbols library'
trough DOACTION blocks only ? I mean, not something automatically
done by the AS *compiler* but something done by the actual VM/player ?

If so, can you provide the smallest example of such thing ?

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