Hi Jim,

Yeah we tried the printAsBitmap option, but it didn't make much of a difference. We're now looking at creating a BitmapData and printing that. Maybe that works.


Op 24 okt 2008, om 15:17 heeft Jim McIntyre het volgende geschreven:

Gert-Jan van der Wel wrote:
Hi there,
We use filters (shadows and glows) to make the scene look better. At some point a user can print what they've created, but the print shows no filters. Is there an easy way to get the filters on the print?

Have you tried printAsBitmap? I found that was the only way to get some stuff to print the same way it was displayed, even when filters weren't involved (like some hand-drawn shadows using transparent fills).

My project was written in AS2; I don't know whether the implications are different for code running in AVM2.

(code simplified from my app, untested)


private function printPoster():Void {
 var posterPrintJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
 if (posterPrintJob.start()) {
   var pgsQueued:Number = 0;
   this.printPg._visible = true; //printPg is the MovieClip to print
var printArea:Object = {xMin:0, xMax:printPg._width, yMin:0, yMax:printPg._height};
   var printOptions:Object = {printAsBitmap:true};
   if (posterPrintJob.addPage('printPg', printArea, printOptions)) {
   if (pgsQueued) {

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