Hello list,

I've been having a question since a time ago... I'm using a flash framework
within my websites (Gaia), and between the classes, I use some singleton
pattern to communicate between them. This way, theorically, I can get any
class instance from another, and I don't need to know the path for each
instantiated class on stage. To clarify, imagine I have a home and a form
page. I could get the reference for home page from form page, just setting
up a static var:

var _home:HomePage = this;

and through a singleton, I could get a HomePage._home, from any point of my
application, right?

The point is, for some classes, that works and returns the class instance.
For other, that doesn't works and returns null, even I'm sure the class is
with the _home var setted up. I posted this question here, because I'm
wondering if this can be some problem (of mine) with Singleton pattern, and
not with framework. Why does Singleton sometimes works, and other times,
doesn't? Did you have some similiar problem getting classes instances, like

Thanks, and sorry if it's a really stupid question.

Kind Regards,

Fábio Pinatti
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