Thanks for the answers, all. Unfortunately I've only just gotten my hands on
CS3, hence the late reply.

>From a little bit of mucking about, it seems possible to use a combination
of "a:hover" in CSS, asfunction, and the
TextField.getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) function to get close to
the desired effect. It looks like a:hover and
TextField.getCharIndexAtPoint() don't interfere with each other in any way.

I'm working on a function now to somehow correlate the a:hovers and the
TextField.getCharIndexAtPoint()s. This whole process seems a little on the
clunky side, but really, this TextField.getCharIndexAtPoint() thing is the
bee's knees.

@Michael William Ypes: Thanks for the link to TextMetrics. It looks like a
really useful class. Unfortunately, I am not certain how to apply it to this
current problem (where I get a single character's index, then try to work
out whether it's enclosed in <a> tags in the greater scheme of things) but
can think of about a hundred other uses for it.

Thanks again List!

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