I think i once read that filters are improved to work better with number
divisible with 4.
Maybe it's the same with other stuff in as.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Corban Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey guys I am working on a fullscreen flash site. I am hoping to bring
> down the CPU cycles. Right now on the PC I'm using to test it on it
> runs high like 90%. I was hoping there might be a way to bring down
> the processor. But I have tried about everything. I'm not sure what I
> could do to get it much lower. I'm sure there are a few pros out there
> that would have a few ideas. Here is the page...
> http://projectx4.com/site_test/. From all my tests it just seems like
> moving that many large objects on the screen is just going to bring
> the processor to its knees no matter what. Would any one have any
> ideas how to help this at all?
> Would doing some sort of bitmap object hack work either? Thanks for
> the help in advance!
> And Here is some code I have written to run the animation...
> import gs.TweenLite;
> import gs.easing.*;
> var shell:MovieClip = this;
> var maxOrbs:Number = 10;
> var numOrbs:Number;
> function animateOrb(mc:MovieClip):void
> {
>        mc.orbTween = TweenLite.to(mc, 1, { alpha: 1 });
>        mc.orbTween = TweenLite.to(mc, mc.ranTime, { x: mc.moveToX,
> ease:Linear.easeNone, overwrite: false });
>        mc.orbTween = TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {delay: mc.ranTime-1, alpha: 0,
> onComplete: removeOrb, onCompleteScope: shell, onCompleteParams: [mc],
> overwrite: false});
> }
> function createOrbs():void
> {
>        numOrbs = 0; //reset count
>        for(var i:int=0; i<maxOrbs; i++){
>                createNewOrb(numOrbs);
>                numOrbs++;
>        }
> }
> function removeOrb(orb:MovieClip):void
> {
>        var num:Number = orb.num;
>        motionBlurHldr.removeChild(orb);
>        numOrbs--;
>        var oldNum:Number = orb.num;
>        orb.orbTween = null;
>        delete orb.orbTween;
>        orb = null;
>        shell["orb" + num] = null;
>        delete(shell["orb" + num]);
>        delete(orb);
>        //trace(orb);
>        createNewOrb(oldNum); //replace the orb that was just removed with a
> new one
> }
> function createNewOrb(num:Number):void
> {
>        shell["orb" + num] = new ch_orb();
>        var orb:MovieClip = shell["orb" + num];
>        //setup random vars
>        var ranScale:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (4 - 2)) + 2;
>        var ranX:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (sWidth + 250) + 50);
> //sWidth is really stage.stageWidth
>        var ranY:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (sHeight + 250) + 50);
> //sWidth is really stage.stageHeight
>        var moveToX:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (290 - 90)) + 90;
>        var ranTime:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (6 - 3)) + 3;;
>        orb.moveToX = ranX - moveToX;
>        orb.ranTime = ranTime;
>        //setup properties of the orb
>        orb.scaleX = ranScale;
>        orb.scaleY = ranScale;
>        orb.x = ranX;
>        orb.y = ranY;
>        orb.alpha = 0;
>        orb.num = num;
>        orb.orbTween;
>        orb.name = "orb" + String(num);
>        var newColorTransform:ColorTransform = orb.transform.colorTransform;
>        newColorTransform.color = colorTones[Math.round(Math.random() * 5
> )];
>        orb.transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;
>        animateOrb(orb);
>        motionBlurHldr.addChild(orb);
> }
> createOrbs();
> --
> Corban Baxter
> http://www.projectx4.com
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