Hi cool list,

I want to make a Class that contains MotionBlur methods that I can call like 
this: MotionBlur.coordBlur(mc, 1.5);

I have other classes wich I don't initiate and just call static methods from. 
The MotionBlur class looks like this:
public class MotionBlur

            public function MotionBlur()
                        // empty, never initiated

            public static function coordBlur(   mc :MovieClip, blurFactor 
:Number = 1.5 ) :void
                        // calculate blur and apply blur setting to mc

            public static function clearBlur(    mc :MovieClip ) :void
                        // clear blur setting on mc

Ideally I want to use this through TweenMax like this:
TweenMax.from(mc, .4, {
alpha: 0, x: 1500, delay: 2, ease: Back.easeOut,
                                                onUpdate: MotionBlur.coordBlur, 
onUpdateParams: [mc, 1.5],
MotionBlur.clearBlur, onCompleteParams: [mc], overwrite: false
} );

But I get the following error: (even if I just call the method outside tweenmax 
like this MotionBlur.coordBlur(chick, 2);)
1120: Access of undefined property MotionBlur.

I'm not quit sure what is going wrong here... does anyone see something strange 
that I'm totally missing?
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