This is just a bad way to do this. The client becomes responsible for everything, and that leads to security issues like crazy.

If this is for professional use, as you have stated multiple times, I would say find a better way.

Write delay based on file stamping, with all the clients agreeing to work based on the same parameters, is the only way to make this work even marginally well in a production environment.

If file has an id and range of time associated to it that has not lapsed, and my id is not the same, I cannot write.

Omar Fouad wrote:
Yes Pablo, that is an issue that I am being thinking about today. I want to
enable user presence detection to the client.
I've been thinking to let each client logged to the chat, send it's "id" to
a table called ActiveUsers. When the user Closes the Application, the row is
deleted. At the same time, the application intervally queries the table to
see what users are online. This is a good Idea, but there is a problem. What
if the connection is cut, or the application is closed by an "end task"
command or by the system? How would I update the table and delete the user
from it?

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Juan Pablo Califano <> wrote:

I think you could do take the same approach as in an "http" chat system
(i.e., not a real chat solution but I've seen it used when data push from
the server was not available thru FMS, Red5 or other)

You have at a minumun 2 tables: users and messages.

When the user logs in, it's inserted into the users table and an id (such
an autoincremental) is returned for using in further requests.

In the messages table you have these fields:

Have each client polling the DD.BB <> at a regular (and
reasonable interval) to get a list of available users (you can pass the
you need here, but the only realy necessary part is the userID).

Each time a client polls the DD.BB <>. it also asks for
messages (which could be a text message or whatever you need; not sure if
SQLite supports BLOB fields, but if it does you could store serialized AS
objects, I guess).

A pending message is just any message that has the user's userID and the
delivered flag set to 0. If there's any matching that criteria, return it
the user.

When a client wants to send a message, it does an insert in the messages
tables, passing the recipient userID (which you can grab from the users
you already have), it's own ID and a message.

You could also put a timestamp in each record (both in users and messages
tables) an every time a user logs in, delete any record whose timestamp is
= 24 hs old.
For many scenarios, this would a problematic approach (you don't have a
central server managing users interation, too much resposibility on the
client, etc), but under the circumstances, I think it should work fine.

Juan Pablo Califano

2009/1/10, Anthony Pace <>: - Ocultar texto citado

If you have ever run into problems when writing a file on the network
someone else is trying you will know what I mean, and now just imagine
you have an app requesting a write multiple times per second...  there is

Nifty solution for the short term; yet, not something that can be used

I might be wrong; yet, I doubt it.

scenario 1...  user1 opens the db file to put in their message; yet, user
opened the file for writing just a milisecond before me, but it took your
request for a write longer to reach the file server than mine did

this would result in user1's message being overwritten
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