Hi list...

What exactly is the AS3 equivalent of making a simple component,
creating a component definition, and attachMovie with the {} holding the

I can't get this to work:

package {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.text.*;
        public class MyButton extends MovieClip{
                public var buttonLabel:String;
                public function MyButton (buttonLabel:String){
                        this.buttonLabel = buttonLabel;
                        btnLabel.text = buttonLabel;

The component definition has one parameter: 
Var: buttonLabel, default value:"Go", type:list

I'm trying to instance a movie clip that contains instances of this
variable.  I get various compiler errors when that parent clip is on the
Argument Error 1063 (Argument Count Mismatch) expected 1, got 0, when
instancing a movieclip that contains these components.  But in parent
movie clip, I am setting the params on the stage.

- Michael M.

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