I s'pose I focused too much on the second part of your question in my
previous message. So anyway, if this 
> src='com.myclasses.DropCap' 
actually works then more power to ya! 
If not: 
ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference: 
src: Specifies the URL to an image or SWF file, or the linkage identifier
for a movie clip symbol in the library. 
So, if you have a movieclip in your library with a linkage identifier of
'DropCap' (associated with a class 'com.myclasses.DropCap') you would use: 
var tString:String  = "<img src='DropCap' id="DC0"
style='padding:0px;margin:0px'/>Lorem ipsom yadda yadda..."; 
myTextField.htmlText = tString; 
myTextField.DC0.txt.text = "Z";


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