Good suggestion Jason, but the issue is that when he rolls over a shape, its
going to broadcast mouse out for the container. The custom event idea would
still work if the custom shape events conditionally broadcast a
container_mouse_out event based on a hit test.

If I understand bubbling correctly, you could also do a hit test during the
capture phase of containers Mouse_Out and cancel it.

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Merrill, Jason <> wrote:

> Just off the top of my head, - so then don't disable mouse events since you
> need them.  Instead, maybe in all your classes, the container, and the
> children classes, when a rollover occurs, broadcast a custom event AND also
> make it bubble up the display list (bubbles=true) - then wherever your
> current listening, listen for the CUSTOM events instead if the standard
> mouse over events and then respond accordingly.
> That would seem to separate out all the mouse over events into separate
> events you listen for.  So in your class that listens, it would end up
> looking something like this:
> addEventListener(MySpecialEvent.MY_CONTAINER_ROLLED_OVER,
> onMyContainerRolledOver);
> addEventListener(MySpecialEvent.MY_SQUARE_ROLLED_OVER,
> onMySquareRolledOver);
> addEventListener(MySpecialEvent.MY_TRIANGLE_ROLLED_OVER,
> onMyTriangleRolledOver);
> Would something like that work?
> Jason Merrill
> Bank of America     Instructional Technology & Media   ยท   Learning
> Performance Solutions L&LD
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