Hey, FlashCoders.

I'm wondering if you can help me out with a general style question that I
keep running into. Let's say I've got a setup like this...

class MyGame extends MovieClip
   - It creates a "camera" sprite that I can add children into
   - It then creates a "Bouncing Ball" object with the "camera" sprite as
the parent to use.

class BouncingBall
    public function BouncingBall(parentToUse:DisplayObjectContainer)
     // Create member variable _mySprite:Sprite and add it to my parentToUse

For reasons I won't get into unless you're really interested, BouncingBall
does NOT extend Sprite, it simply contains a sprite.

So MyGame has a camera as a child. That camera has my bouncingBall._mySprite
as a child.

The question is this: I want the BouncingBall sprite to occasionally call a
function in MyGame. What's the best way to do this?

*Option 1:* Within BouncingBall, just call...


This works, but it strikes me as a little unnatural, since I have to dig
into my member variable and get its root. Also, I'm not sure this works if
my game were to be imported by some larger, wrapper class.

*Option 2: *My constructor for BouncingBall should contain two variables

public function BouncingBall (var parentToUse:DisplayObjectContainer, var

I store gameApplication as a member variable, and use it later...


This is my current solution, but the idea of passing a parent and the game
application to the constructor strikes me as slightly redundant, and, like
Option 1, it tightly couples my BouncingBall object to my main application.

*Option 3:* I create a custom event, dispatch that event, and create a
listener in MyGame rather than call a function directly.

I'm guessing this is the best way to go theoretically, and will allow me to
reuse my BouncingBall object in other applications, but it's a lot of extra
code, and I constantly worry about not property cleaning up event listeners.

I'm sure all of you have encountered this situation before. So what do you
generally do? Is there a fourth, totally obvious option that I'm


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