is there a stop() on frame 1 of text_mc?

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Ali Hitch <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Having problems on the coding side of what I thought would be a very simple
> task.
> The task is:
> I am creating a navigation bar for a website. On the navigation bar, when
> the user does a mouse over on a certain area of the bar (invisible button),
> a specified movie will play once and will not play again unless the user
> does a mouse over again. When the user clicks on the invisible button, it
> will perform the action of a link and direct the user to another page.
> In a bit more detail:
> In flash I have created a document (actionscript 3.0). On the document for
> this example, there is a piece of text called labelled 'home'. This text
> has
> been converted into a movieclip labelled home_mc. Inside the movie clip
> there are 7 frames. Frame1 = home font size20 | Frame2 = home font size21 |
> Frame3 = home font size22 | Frame 4 = home font size23 | Frame 5 = home
> font
> size 22 | Frame6 = home font size21 | Frame7 = home font size20. As you can
> probably tell, I am trying to make a growing text effect in flash.
> Coming out of the movieclip to Scene 1 I have created another layer called
> invivisible button1. This has then been converted to a button called
> home_btn and made 'invisible'.
> What I have been trying to do with actionscript is make the movieclip
> home_mc play once when there is a mouse over event with home_btn (invisible
> button), but with all the code I have tried so far nothing has really
> worked
> and when I test the movie, the movieclip home_mc is just constantly playing
> and looping back on itself.
> The latest code I have tried is:
> **Start code**
> var home_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip ();
> //home_mc = someClip you embedded;
> = "myButton";
> home_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOver);
> home_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOut);
> //adds event listeners
> funtion mouseOver (event:MouseEvent):void
> {
>    trace ( + "mouse over");
>    // the trace event is asking for the name property (which is like a
> method) we set that property above.
>    //otherwise tracing event.currentTarget just tells us the type of object
> we are dealing with = MovieClip
>    //this function can be used on ANY subject that has an event handler -
> addEventListener
> }
> funtion mouseOut (event:MouseEvent):void
> {
>    trace ( + "mouse out");
>    event.currentTarget.gotoandstop(1);
> }
> **end code**
> I have had some vague help previously and have read and looked at
> tutorials/books but still don't quite get this. I am after all trying to
> learn a new programming language without any previous experience with
> programming languages.
> Any help with this hopefully simple problem would be gratefully
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ali Hitch
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