Brian Mays a écrit :
When I taught Flash students they were always content with letting Flash's
nasty default shape tweens do whatever they pleased.
Yes...I don't like it either.
Getting them into shape hints was always something that went over well, IF
they could wrap their minds around it.
I was thinking to that after some simple exemple without hints.
I use to like a simple line or dot that tweens into a word, that was fast enough and simple to avoid the nasty default shape morphing and was cool to make hidden content poping.

Another friend made a sentence 'twiling?' into spiral....can't remember but I'll find it again.

That's the kinf of stuff I look for.
Brian Mays

On 3/26/09 9:28 AM, "laurent" <> wrote:


I have the awesome opportunity to give my first flash lesson to young
multimedia students in few weeks.
I will start with timeline animation, motion tweens and shape tweens to
then move to programing tweens and maybe explain a bit of OOP with a
simple particle class.

I'm looking for some nice shape tween effect. I would like them to
practice on cool stuff.

So I'm asking you guys what are your favorite shape tween effect ?

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